Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An Inspirational Champion

First off need to acknowledge Jessica D. for helping me setup this awesome site!!! It could not have been done without her.  Just a quick update on the training...Well, I'm still training. Not to bore y'all with all the details, but my body is straining to keep up with the mileage/hours, and the abuse - I'm handing it right now. I am really looking forward to the taper portion of this training session. It has been a long 5 months of training and I have made incredible strides in that time frame. (FYI....I have recorded each of my workouts with specific times from the first day all the way to race day and plan on posting that info to show how far I've come since day one!)

One quick story that I really have been wanting to pass on --- So, I was lucky enough to meet Chris Lieto, at a function put on by Memorial Hermann Sports Medicine. For those of you not familiar with his name, Chris is a two time Ironman winner and a runner up for the World Championship. Chris is also the hands-down fastest guy in the bike portion every year in Hawaii and most of his other races! He is an absolutely incredible athlete and can hang with anyone anytime on the bike.  He is obviously an elite athlete. Having said all of that, what you don't know about Chris is that he is one of the nicest, most down to earth, respectful professional athletes I have ever meet.  Asked about how he prioritizes his life he said "Faith, Family, Job".  I think that there are a lot of members of the NFL, NBA, NHL that could take some lessons from this guy. A tip of the hat and a ton of respect Mr. Lieto!