Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Something new...???


I have struggled to keep "it" going..! One might ask.....What is "it"? well for triathletes "it" is the ability to continue to in day out! "it" for me is getting out of the bed in the early AM when I know everyone else in the whole world is sleeping a go jump in a cold swimming pool to bust my ass for the next 1:30 min. Or to strap on a pair of shoes and go out for a long run when I know its going to be 100 degrees before I'm done. Let's not even get into the cycling portion of things for this post...! :-) So to say the least I have had my fair share of troubles getting "it" going again after meeting my goal of finishing an Ironman! I just had the whole thing put into perspective for me today...! I never started training for one event....or ten for that matter! I started training for my reasons.....they are as personal as the everyone else I would assume....but for me it was not to try an conquer the hardest single day ultra endurance race in the world...It was to conquer life...! I want to be the best at a couple of things...the best HUSBAND, the best FATHER, the best FRIEND, the best EMPLOYEE, I can be! That's why I started this...! Period end of story...! Now I want to be the best Ironman athlete I can be...! I am going to start posting my workouts and let everyone in on my feelings...! Both good and bad...! Stay tune.!